13th Students’ Spring Symposium
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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19 May 2014

13th Students’ Spring Symposium

The Students Spring Symposium has become a proud tradition of the college and a part of our identity as CITY College. This Friday the 16th of May, the 13th annual Students Spring Symposium was successfully held from noon to 19:30 in the afternoon, at lab Ethra and the Auditorium.
More than 100 students from all Departments attended the 14 presentations spread in three sessions and special demonstrations session, with approximately 70 participants in the first session only. This year, with the support of the University of Sheffield Enterprise (USE), we were joined by three students from the University of Sheffield who also presented at the symposium, with the award for best presentation given to Mr William Frostick from the University of Sheffield, for his presentation "Comparative BOLD fMRI and Optical Imaging Spectroscopy during the 4-AP model of Epilepsy".
Organising the Students Spring Symposium was hard work and as symposium chairpersons, Antonia Ypsilanti, Alexandros Kapoulas and I, would like to congratulate the students in the organising committee, namely Evi Atzamidaki, Miruna Carmen Barbu, Vlad Dediu, Stefanie Hatzifilalithis, Maria Gaci, Fotis Katimertzopoulos, Alexandra-Christina Patrascu, Florenta Iuliana Solomon, Filip Stefanovic, Panagiotis Tsakiris, Jelena Zaric, Nikolaos-Marwan Zawaher, Christina Zintro, and especially Dimitrios Zografos (who was MVP) for their hard work and CITY College spirit! We would also like to congratulate Mr Adrian Solomon, and all the students who supported the event on that day.
The organising committee would like to congratulate all the presenters for preparing and delivering so many interesting topics from all disciplines, as well as all the participants for fuelling very vivid discussions after each and every presentation.


13th Students’ Spring Symposium
13th Students’ Spring Symposium
13th Students’ Spring Symposium
13th Students’ Spring Symposium
13th Students’ Spring Symposium
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