Annual MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki, 2014
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
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14 April 2014

Annual MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki, 2014

More than 140 2nd Year Executive MBA students from across the South-East and Eastern Europe, attended the Annual Study Week in Thessaloniki, 4 - 12 April 2014.

The study week is a unique opportunity for Executive MBA students from all locations where the Executive MBA is delivered, to meet at the main campus of the International Faculty in Thessaloniki. The study week includes a variety of activities, attendance to modules of the MBA programme, participation in a number of seminars and social events. Furthermore it strengthens the contacts among the students and the academia. MBA students get the opportunity to attend two Study Weeks during their studies, one in Thessaloniki, Greece and another week in Sheffield, UK.

The executive MBA program run by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College is offered in Thessaloniki Greece, Belgrade Serbia and Bucharest Romania.


Annual MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki, 2014
Annual MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki, 2014
Annual MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki, 2014
Annual MBA Study Week in Thessaloniki, 2014
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