With more than 150 alumni attending, the ‘University of Sheffield Alumni Event’ in Prishtina entitled ‘Sheffield University for Kosovo: Developing People’ organised by The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, successfully took place, 9 November 2016 at the Sirius Hotel.
The event was opened by Mr. Kadri Veseli, President of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo - and University of Sheffield alumnus himself - who addressed a short welcome speech. Mr. Arsim Bajrami, Minister of Education, Technology and Science of the Republic of Kosovo was also among keynote speakers and addressed his own welcome to our alumni. Representing the International Faculty, CITY College, Mr. Yannis Ververidis, Principal hosted the evening and warmly welcomed all alumni and guests expressing his joy at reuniting with our graduates again. Finally, Mr. Miles Stevenson, Director of Alumni and Donor Relations at The University of Sheffield, UK, also welcomed all graduates and distinguished guests saying how happy he was to be able to join the event and celebrate with our graduates.
During the event, a short awarding ceremony took place where distinguished alumni from Kosovo received Alumni Awards for their achievements. The alumni awards were presented by Mr. Miles Stevenson. More specifically, Mr. Kadri Veseli received the Alumni Award for Leadership and Service, Ms. Ganimete Huruglica received the Alumni Award for Women Leadership, Mr. Arben Berbatovci received Alumni Award for Entrepreneurship, Mr. Lum Zhaveli received the Alumni Award for Achievement in Sports. Ms Huruglica’s and Mr Zhavelli’s awards were collected by Ms Hoxha, Country Manager for Kosovo of the International Faculty and Ms Jeta Zhaveli, sister of Lum Zhaveli respectively on their behalf.
Celebrations continued over a reception that took place right after the awarding ceremony.
On the occasion of the alumni reunion in Kosovo, the event aimed at celebrating the contribution of one of the world’s Top 100 Universities, the University of Sheffield, to the education of the people of Kosovo the past seven years. The International Faculty of the University of Sheffield, CITY College, and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo have been offering scholarships to students from Kosovo since 2009 aiming at actively promoting the proliferation of quality education by funding the studies of prospective students from Kosovo through scholarships. Today, many graduates from Kosovo have achieved success in their industries and communities through leadership, vision and determination.
The event presented our graduates – most of them already successful members of the corporate world – with the opportunity to meet with each other, network and enjoy a social event full of fond memories and good times.
To view more photos from the event please see the link below:
The University of Sheffield Alumni event in Kosovo photo gallery